Well, so far so good. Of course, it's only been a couple of weeks!
First up was
Babysitting. This is from the original chart, which has been retired. It is small and does not have as many colors as the one that is currently available, but still looks pretty good (imo).
Next I worked on
Ballet Pigs. I hadn't work it this one for over three years! I don't know why it took me so long to pick it up again, it is such a whimsical design and so much fun to watch those little piggy smiles appear as you are stitching. Sad to say, though, I had some trouble with the light bands. Drat these aging eyes! Hopefully stronger reading glasses will help with that.

And finally, my precious,
Darkling Mini. Unfortunately, I did not make much progress. For one she came up during the week and I was home late most days. And second I was too distracted by the weird thumping thing that was happening in my chest. It had been going on for a week, and while I am pretty sure it's not actually my heart (since I can still exercise with no problems), it certainly feels like the thing is trying to jump out of my chest through my throat. I think the underlying cause is anxiety, which I have been having a lot of trouble with lately, and then worrying about what the heck it was certainly didn't help with that! I cut out my morning coffee and ate almost nothing for two days and it seems to have finally stopped. So probably stomach related, which was probably caused by the anxiety, and maybe made worse by the caffeine. If it starts again, I'll go to the doctor.
They all look great! I may need to check the HAED site. I haven't been there in a looong time.
Gorgeous! I love your WIPs as they are all BAPs which I love to stitch.