I got a bit more than usual done on Bubble Flower. Probably because I had a bit of background to work on which was comprised of only three colors. For once I was happy to be working on a monotonous section. And then came the bubble. Ah, well, back to the confetti on this one. I almost want to downgrade it from one of my "priority" projects that I work on each rotation. But then I look at it. It may be tedious to stitch, but the end results are awsome!
On Tuesday I chaperoned my daughter's school field trip to the Franklin Institute. Unfortunately, the district called a fog delay so our departure was also delayed. Fortunately, the school officials allowed us to leave at 8:00, rather than following the "rules" and waiting until school was officially open. Unfortunately, we missed the I-Max film. A great disappointment. But they still got to dissect a cow eyeball. There's my daughter with the organ in question. As you can see, she was very excited! I, on the other hand, could have done without the exercise! Although she did not get to do everything that she wanted, we did have a lot of fun and she has declared it the "2nd best field trip EVER" (after the one to Medieval Times, of course).
On Wednesday, I went to the dentist and they started work on my second crown (the first having been done last month). I was very glad I had the day off because I had an opportunity to observe a little visitor. I thought it was a cat, but upon investigation discovered a gray fox trotting across my backyard. He stopped to have a drink from a puddle on the edge of my driveway, where I managed to get a photo. It's not real good, having been taken out my bathroom window, but I didn't want to open the door for fear of scaring him off. We knew they were around, having seen tracks, but this is the first official sighting.
Wednesday night was my daughter's band concert. Here she is with her flute. Again, not a very good picture, but isn't she cute? I'm so very proud of her. She started band mid-year, but she worked very hard and was able to catch up very quickly. Her goal for next year is to be first chair! She is such a wonderful child, I don't know what I would do without her.
And now I have managed to rope her into my HAED addiction. She has started working on a Storykeep - Wolf Countess. She is stitching it with two threads on 16 county ivory aida banding and has been working on it almost non-stop since we got the fabric on Friday. She's got nearly 1000 stitches done now (twice as much as in the picture)! And vows to reach the eye today. I'm not exactly sure how the child is managing to stitch faster than me, but she is.
My other bit of work for the week is Teresa Wentzler's Celestial Dragon. This is one of my first projects -- very ambitious at the time -- and my first over-one experience (I didn't much care for it, either). I can't even remember the last time I worked on it, but I suspect it was sometime in 2005 shortly after the ex and I split. Needless to say, what was daunting back then has become a joy today and I enjoyed working on it so much I am seriously considering adding it in as a "Priority" project to my already bloated rotation!
And last, I shall leave you with an image of my crazy cat. I do not know how he manages to sleep like that!
Now I am off to put together the garden shed I purchased this weekend to stow my lawn mower in. Right now most of it is in the back seat of my car and I really need to get it out of there since the plastic smells so bad when it gets hot (and it gets really hot in my car) I'm afraid it's putting off some kind of toxic fumes! Not looking forward to it, but that and cleaning the litter box are my only two tasks for today and then it is back to stitching!
Great progress on your projects. How do projects become a "Priority"? I follow along with the wip list on the side of the blog and notice that you do skip some projects. Is this because they are not priority projects?