My birthday is coming up and I'm thinking of gifting myself with QS Day Dreaming Mermaid. And starting her as well. It actually works out perfectly since I'm rotating my projects in reverse alphabetical order and the next up after Revelation is Quaker Garden. So "Quick Stitch" would come right before that, right?
I'm so pathetic -- I picked out 21 projects to rotate in the hopes of seeing some progress and now I am fighting with myself to NOT add any more (all new starts which makes it even worse!). Yesterday I added Pale Rose, Calling the Crows, Beauty and the Beast (Gibson), and Isabella. An hour later I came to my senses and removed them. I'm fighting a losing battle though. I fear it's only a matter of time until I'm back up to 60 active WIPs!
And I wonder why everyone I know thinks I'm crazy?
Next, here is an updated on Sea of Roses:

Heaven and Earth Designs
Original artwork by Selena Fenech
Full cross, one over one on 25 count Strawberry Sparkle lugana (hand-dyed by Silkweaver)
30% complete
And finally, here is my start on Rose. Nothing but background at this point.
Next up is Revelation, which I will be restarting on Monaco.
Labels: Memorial Sampler, Rose, Sea of Roses
The camera is quite fast, so I was able to take a lot of pictures (over 500 the first night!). Good thing too, because a lot of them came out like this:
I experimented with the settings and find that I can get rid of the blurring by using a higher ISO. However the quality of the photo is not as good -- lots and lots of noise! So there's a trade-off there between getting more clear images or taking a chance that the subject will stay still long enough! Still I'm quite happy with the camera's performance.
All of those photos were taken from my seat in the front row. The zoom is incredible -- harder to get a clear image but when you do it's worth it!
And now for my favorite thing. Movies! I don't know how they will look if I can figure out how to get them on a DVD, but I think they look pretty good from a hand-held digital camera.
I got an incredible amount done on this in 4 days, averaging 788 stitches a day! Every single one of them a work day. Only having to work with about ten colors with about 75% black probably helped!
Now I'm off to work on Sea of Roses.

A bit delayed, but here is my progress on Taj Mahal. I misread one of the symbols in the trees on the left hand side and had moved on before I realized what I had done. I used a gray NPI instead of the called for Dinky Dyes yellow-green. Oops! I decided not to frog it, since it looked just fine to me, and simply made the same "mistake" on the other tree. I did use the correct color on the trees in the right hand side.

I am loving the colors in this one and am thinking of monochrome designs I can stitch with some of the overdyes I've grown particularly fond of!

Heaven and Earth Designs
Original artwork by Kinko Craft
Full cross, one over one on 25 count DMC evenweave
22% complete

Isn't his skull just lovely?
Next up is Taj Mahal.