I love working on this one. The detail is so incredible! One more 30 row swath and I'll be over 50% done.
I have been so good sticking to my budget lately, that I treated myself to some cross stitch items.

I received the sample book today and was a wee bit disappointed that it doesn't seem to contain any of her variegated colors. But no matter, I'll just order those separately. I love Vikki's silks and it will be a fabulous resource when doing conversions. It's going to come in very in trying to decide on colors for Mary Beale's Advent Sampler. I'm not happy with how it was looking with the NPIs, and now I'll be able to tweak Vikki's conversion so it suites me. I'm also going to try different fabric (again!). I'm trying to find a 40 count neutral linen with a pink (rather than yellow or tan) cast.

And this completes round one of my rotation. It took me exactly 3 months to get through 22 projects. I finished one, but don't think I'll replace it quite yet since I originally planned on a 21 project rotation, but couldn't resist starting Day Dreaming Mermaid on my birthday.

Link to page

Link to page
It's funny how tastes change. When I first started stitching, I happened to come across someone working on this. At the time I was very much into Teresa Wentzler, Mirabilia, Lavender and Lace, etc. The woman had completed just the top portion and was working on the cloud. I was quite unimpressed with the design and wondered why anyone would want to stitch such blocky looking things! I also wondered why anyone would spend so much time stitching alphabets. But then came The Houses of Hawk Run Hollow (scroll to bottom) and the rest is history. I chastise myself now for being so narrow-minded.

And progress on Broken Angel
Link to her page

I've finally got around to revamping (yet again!) my website. I haven't gotten much else done over the holiday break -- besides a lot of stitching and sleeping that is! I had grand plans to clean out my drawers and closet and serge all my fabric. Of course, I do have two more days of break and then the weekend so I could still get around to it. Anyway, here is the link to the Bubble Flower page if you'd like more info.
Labels: Bubble Flower