I had moved on with my rotation while waiting for the new threads to arrive and haven't decided yet whether I'm going to pick it up again when I get to the end of this rotation (which will be in the next couple of weeks) or wait until it comes up again in the normal course of events.

Pretty much every time I work on a piece it temporarily becomes my favorite. But I have to say Dragon Skies has to top the list. Her face and that little bit of hair took me two days to stitch up, but it certainly was worth it. Isn't she beautiful?

I've also worked on Fairy Moon, Dragon Skies, Days of Advent Sampler (still working on the colors on that one), and Cirque des Circles. Plus I finished the Stars and Moon baby sampler for my sitter's daughter. I'm hoping to get cracking and have some updates posted before another month goes by!
In other news. I finally heard from the Court regarding the child support modification the ex requested. I was a bit annoyed because the Commissioner gave the ex more credit than he deserved as far as being a somewhat decent person and whatnot. But then I imagine it's difficult to get the full measure of a person during a 30 minute hearing. Particularly when all they are is a voice over a speaker phone. He did attribute earnings to the ex as I requested but used the median salary of his current profession, rather than what he was making before he started quitting jobs willy nilly. Which coincidently coincides with when I first filed for child support. Still, better than a sharp stick in the eye and the reduction wasn't quite so severe as it could have been.
I also broke down and purchased a new computer. The old one was refusing to boot up correctly. I think it was because of a virus. I installed a better scanner which found 48 virus files, including one very active one that was trying to mess with my system every 10 seconds. And now it seems to be working okay. My son's problem now since he inherits the old system (and has been forbidden to install ANYTHING on the new one).
And now I have done my duty as I see it and am going to start work on Bubble Flower. Provided I can stop obsessing about computer keyboards long enough!