But I'm starting to stress again. Am I still mortgage worthy? Will the house end up costing more than I qualify for? Will I have enough money for settlement? Will everything be ruined by Verizon and their inability to generate a correct bill?
Yes, ladies and gentlemen, Verizon is once again wrecking havoc in my life. Only this time it's not just money -- it could cost me this house. When I didn't pay the second incorrect final bill -- which I of course notified them of -- they sent it to collections. I paid the collection agency immediately (along with an additional $15 collection fee) and submitted a complaint to the Public Service Commission. I did try to talk to the people at Verizon before doing that, but they just kept transferring me back and forth. I have been assured (and guaranteed even) that the collection won't be reported to the credit bureau, but if it is I can likely kiss my mortgage goodbye.
If you're the praying type, please say an extra one for me. Two weeks ago I probably would have been able to survive this falling apart, but now that I see the house every day (yeah, I take the long way to and from work so I can see it) I've really become emotionally attached to it. If I lose it, I don't think I'll be able to prevent an episode of major depression.