I was so happy when I pulled this image off the camera. I thought maybe I had figured out a solution to my top-right blurriness problem. I took the picture upside down. Well, the camera was upside down, not me. Although maybe that would be easier since I kept hitting the off button when I was trying to take the picture.

I'm also very bummed that my lawn mower isn't charging. I hope it's the charger -- I plugged it in and the socket sparked and the little lights haven't come on since. But I guess it could also be the batteries. Either way, getting it fixed is going to be a pita and will probably end up costing only marginally less than just getting a new one! I was talking to my dad the other week about the disadvantages of living in a "popular vacation destination" and this is certainly one of them. Lack of services for day-to-day living. And then when you find someone who can help you, they tend to charge an arm and a leg. My co-worker was charged almost $300 to have a kitchen faucet replaced and she provided the faucet!

I've worked out a tentative rotation with 19 slots. Theoretically this should enable me to get through a single round in 2 1/2 months. I settled on 2 "Strip" slots which will basically be the project that is the closest to being finished. I'm giving it 2 slots and will work on it for 8 days. Hopefully this will increase the number of finishes! I have 7 Priority projects which will be worked on each rotation. Those 7 are: Day Dreaming Mermaid, Dragon Skies, Peace, Peacock Garden, Rose (Anderson), Song of the Dead, and The Tower of Stony Wood. I have 6 slots for my 12 Favorites: A Rose Among Thorns, Babysitting, Ballet Pigs, Bubble Flower, Calling the Crows, Celestial Dragon, Cirque des Cercles, Days of Advent Sampler, Gatekeeper, Martyrs, Mistress Winter & Jack Frost, and Sea of Roses. I then have 2 slots for HAEDs and 1 for non-HAEDs. It'll take forever to actually get through them all, but I decided it might be better to spend more time on the Priorities and Favorites. I also have a slot for BAPs and have designated any non-HAED over 100,000 stitches and any HAED over 200,000 stitches as a BAP. I've also decided to add in all my kitted projects, which brings the grand total of WIPs to 95. Then I might just have to add 5 more to bring it to an even 100.

And so concludes this round of my rotation. I still haven't worked out the "new" way, so I went ahead and started another of my kitted projects -- Women of the Mayflower. I bought the thread and fabric for this years ago and I'm trying to convince myself that a fully kitted project isn't really any different than an additional WIP. Unfortunately, I think I'm going to run out of one color and need to decide whether to sub in something I already have. Who knows how much the dye-lot has changed over the years? Fortunately, it won't be noticeable since I'll use the subbed color just to stitch the names at the bottom. Nobody needs to know that color is supposed to be the same as the verse on the top, right?
I'll be working on this one through Monday since we're leaving on Tuesday for our annual Knoebels trip and I didn't see a point in breaking my brain trying to figure out the new rotation.

I say I'm only somewhat back to normal because I have been feeling a lot of pressure lately to get started on everything I have kitted. Particularly those with both fabric and threads. I'm trying to figure out a way to do this without over-loading on new starts. I'm also trying to come up with a new method of rotating.
One thing I have decided on is a STRIP list and adding two of those projects each rotation. I haven't decided yet if I'm going to work on each of those 4 days and keep them in the rotation until they are finished or if I'm going to out and out finish them as they come up.
Sometimes I really hate being so OCD, it makes stuff like this sooooo much harder.