Shame piled on top of shame

For yet another new start.
Soul Mates yet another large HAED. I see them and just want to stitch them so badly. So I do. But then I have all this other stuff I also want to stitch badly so everything just goes to hell. I realize I'm a bit insane, but it's my hobby so I guess I should be able to do whatever makes me happy.

I have another batch of progress pictures to share.
Here is
The Red Thread. I had planned on finishing it, but was stymied when I ran out of the two threads for the border. So I had to put it away with only two blocks left to do! I knew I was getting low on the one and tried to stretch it by substituting the greens and browns in the blocks themselves, but it simply wasn't enough.

Next is one of my favorite projects,
Song of the Dead. It is so wonderfully creepy. Next time around I'll get to finish his face. It will be interesting to see that emerge.
And finally for this post is
The Tower of Stony Wood. If I had to pick and absolute favorite, this would probably be it. Things should really start to get interesting this time around -- her face will emerge in this row. Of course it will be a few rotations before that happens, but definitely something to look forward to.

And that wraps up another round. I'm four projects into the new round, but I still can't seem to settle on a new method so I think I might take a break from the rotation and do some Christmas Ornaments. I'm worried about finishing them, though. I'm good at the cross stitch, but other than that I'm not very crafty and everything I do looks like something a 1st grader brings home. But we'll see, maybe it won't be as bad as I think.
Posted by Dede at 11:15 AM
Comments (4)
Shame on me

For starting yet another project when I already have so many WIPs it's going to take me 32 years to finish them all. (Yes, I've actually figured that out and I'm trying not to let it depress me)
And yes, it's another HAED. And a big one at that:
Phoenix I. I just love the colors!
Posted by Dede at 10:49 PM
Comments (1)
Life just keeps getting in the way...
I have been remiss once again, but life just insists upon happening and I've been either sick or busy and my usual Sunday routine of updating my blog just went out the window. I've got lots to share, but will start with only a few since I need to get started on my Saturday cleaning.

First is
Jewel of the Sea. I'm now on my second "row". Not really much to see, but there probably never really will be since this one is mostly background. But the background sure is pretty and not nearly so tedious to stitch as some.

Next is
Peace, although there is probably no point in even posting it since I've pretty much convinced myself to restart this one. I'm starting to think that stitching it on 40 count was a mistake. It's going to be
sooooo huge that I don't know what I'll do with it when it's finished (ever optimistic, I am). So I'm going to restart on the recommended 28 count. Unfortunately, I'll have to delay that restart since the shop I buy fabric from -
Needlework Plus - is temporarily closed. She custom cuts and doesn't charge a ridiculous amount for doing so. The design on 28 count won't
quite fit on a fat half and

I hate to spend extra on a full yard for a mere three inches. I also think I'm going to splurge and switch to the recommended AVAS threads.
I also was able to finally start
Peacock Garden. This is the first two parts without the beads and crystals. It is so beautiful! I'm really looking forward to getting back to it.
That's all for now. Except for this picture of my cat. I was finally able to get a half-way decent picture with no flash and therefore no demon eyes.

Posted by Dede at 12:32 PM
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