New for 2011

I have a goal for 2011. That is to finish more projects than I start. And 15 days in I'm already testing that with a new start. Good thing I had that one finish early on, huh?
Here is
Seeing Through. Which is so beautiful and is stitching up so well that I'm considering putting her back on the scrolls and keep going with her until she's done. It's such a small design (23,865 stitches) that I could probably have her done inside a month. And that would also keep my ill-fated goal somewhat on track!
Posted by Dede at 12:00 PM
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Just a wee bit, but I've reached
Sea of Roses tummy. Which is doubly good because this means no more background removal! Gosh, that is a pain. I reordered the chart with the background removed only to discover it wasn't the same. I thought about scrapping what I'd done and start over, but in the end decided to just stick with it. Her tail tip looks a bit wonky, but other than that I think I did okay.
Posted by Dede at 10:24 AM
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Very brief update
Not much to see, really, but here is

And some more trees in
A Rose Among Thorns.

Posted by Dede at 9:46 AM
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And one for 2011

A finish for the first day of the new year!
Rhapsody has been languishing in a pillow case for the last five years or so. I really enjoyed working on this project, except it really did a number on my fingers. Which must be why I put it away without finishing it.
So my vacation is over. I didn't spend as much time stitching as I had planned, but our Supernatural marathon was a success. And I got caught up on my web pages. So I didn't really get much done -- but it was great to just relax for two weeks.
And tomorrow it's back to work. And all the people who have waited until the last minute to sign up for school. Plus two weeks of mail to process. At least I can count on being busy!
Posted by Dede at 10:07 AM
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One last finish for 2010
I finally got
The Red Thread finished!

Which brings my total finishes for 2010 up to 6. Also in 2010 I crossed 342,664 stitches and had 10 new starts.
Posted by Dede at 10:04 AM
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