Into the home stretch now
Still working on
Seeing Through and expect to finish her sometime this week!

I've surprised myself by sticking with her this long.
Posted by Dede at 10:13 AM
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Face is Complete
Past the half-way point and still going strong! Only a couple of more weeks and she'll be finished. I think I can hang on for that long, although I am starting to look at some of my other projects (and yet another new one) with some longing!

Posted by Dede at 9:39 AM
Comments (1)
Weekly Update
I continued working on
Seeing Through and am not tired of her yet so will keep going!

My son (who's been driving me nuts) has not done any work in any of his on-line classes and has decided to join the Army. Thing is, the Army probably won't take him because his eyes are really, really bad. It's possible he can get a waiver for that, but his left eye is probably over the waiverable limit.
I'm so angry at him for blowing off his classes. He just doesn't get that there are repercussions from that action. Just goes to show how much something is valued when it's just handed to you with no effort on your part -- he doesn't have to pay tuition since I work at the college.
Posted by Dede at 9:05 AM
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Who would have thought it would be the key??
I had some trouble with my car this week which resulted in a tow and $300 bill for a new starter. I'm annoyed because the starter wasn't the actual problem -- but my son (who thinks he knows so much about cars) got angry when the car wouldn't start and proceeded to crank on the ignition switch until he burnt the starter up.
The actual problem? The freaking key! So, another $125 for a new key (which according the "people at Ford" should have only cost me $50),

but hopefully the problem is solved and I don't have to fear being stranded whenever I leave the house!
The past couple of weeks I've worked on
Song of the Dead and
The Tower of Stony Wood.
I've finished the zombie guy's face, which was quite exciting. And most of the bird flying in front of him, which I thought at first was his skeletal neck but upon further stitching the bird emerged.
I spent a few extra days on Tower. The detail is so rich I just wanted to keep going!

And now I have done what I previously threatened and have put
Seeing Through back on the scrolls and plan to work on her until I feel like moving on to something else... which hopefully won't be until I've finished her!
Off to clean -- which actually might be a little fun since I'm going to try out the steamer I just got. I hope the thing works!
Posted by Dede at 9:19 AM
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