Lots of confetti in Song of the Dead. And I think I messed up that bird. Or should I say blob. I felt a little better when I looked at the original artwork. It looks rather like a blob on that as well!
I'm starting to become concerned that my new furniture arrangement is contributing to my severe lack of progress. My stand is now on my left after years of having it on my right. Which shouldn't make that much of a difference, should it? I suspect the culprit may be the TV. My viewing angle has improved so I think I might be pausing in my stitching more. You'd think it would be the opposite. Ah, well, whatever the reason I hope it remedies itself soon.

I'm working on Women of the Mayflower and plan to keep going until it is finished. But then I think I will do Days of Advent and Peace before moving on to my "regular" rotation. Maybe that anticipation will help me stitch faster!