Plugging Along
I worked on
Luna, Sol, and Stella for about a day or so and then decided it had to be regulated to UFO status. I'm very sad about this but, despite being lovely, the fabric is just too hard to work with. The weave is so tight that I have great difficulty getting the needle to go through. And since I'm trying to pare down my insanely long list of WIPs I decided this one would have to go. Although given my fickle nature, it may not stay gone! Who knows?
I also worked on
Posted by Dede at 8:59 AM
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Weekly Update
Two projects to report on this week:
Fairy Moon
Posted by Dede at 7:06 AM
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Still Here
And I think it might be back to stay... for the first time in over a year I've spotted a design I can't wait to start. This isn't necessarily a good thing since the design in question is Heaven and Earth's
Hannah Lynn Montage with close to 1/2 million stitches. But, my goodness, isn't it gorgeous?
Now on to my progress for the week. I finished the Moses Parting the Sea block on
Days of Advent Sampler:
I also finished the Moses is Drawn from the Water block since the last time I posted:
I also worked on
Dragon Skies. I just hit 100,000 stitches on this one. Of course, more than half of that isn't even stitched, but still I'm over half way.
And if you're interested, I've also been updating my
Finished Projects pages. I'm only up to 2008 and I didn't really start keeping track of what I was doing until 2009 so I've forgotten a lot of the details.
Posted by Dede at 6:42 AM
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It's back!
My stitching mojo, that is. And I'm sincerely hoping it's back to stay for a bit. I think the biggest problem was my eyesight. I started having a hard time focusing with my last set of glasses and when I got these new ones last year it became close to impossible. I tried all kinds of magnification aids and nothing really worked, either they got in my way or were uncomfortable to wear for long periods. I finally found a solution with contact lenses. My reading vision is actually worse with the contacts, but now I can wear reading glasses to stitch and this has made a world of difference.

I have done some stuff over the course of the last year, but for now I'll just post two recent finishes. The first is
Love is Patient by Victoria Sampler. This was a wedding gift for my brother and was quick and fun to stitch. I was very nervous about the hardanger seeing how my first attempt at cut thread work was not very fun! But once I figured out how to do the Greek crosses it wasn't so bad. The area is not as neat as I would have liked and most of the dove's eyes are a little off-kilter, but still not bad.

The second is
The Big Zipper by Bent Creek. Another fun stitch, but I'm glad it's over. Going from over 1 on 25 count to over 2 on 18 is really an adjustment!
So that is it for now. Hopefully another year will not go by before you hear from me again!
Posted by Dede at 8:21 AM
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