For this one, I converted the AVAS to Hand Dyed Fibers. Fortunately I was able to order all I think I will need before the price increase earlier this month. I don't like stitching over one on linen, so I opted to do this one on a 40 count fabric. It is HUGE. A whole yard, in fact!
I was very sad to hear the news that Vikki has decided to wind down the floss side of her business. But rather glad that the "winding down" was really just a large price increase and her floss will still be available. Even with the price increase, it is still cheaper than any other silk floss out there and is heavenly to work with. I probably won't be converting anything new over, but at least I'll still be able to pick up a skein or two if I need them. Which reminds me... I need to add some white for HAED faces to my order... Particulary since I just purchased the Hannah Lynn Montage...
I have to say that Peacock Garden is extremely slow going. This is a problem I have with Chatelaines... I stitch like crazy until I get to those large repeating motifs and then get bored. I think with this one I will start alternating the peacocks with the larger motifs and maybe that will make it easier. I hope so since I just love this design and would really like to see it finished!