I've still not gotten back into a rotation, although I did have to put up the Hannah Lynn Montage shortly after my last post since I completely ran out of 550 (cannibalized all my other projects until there was not a single thread left).

I can't remember exactly what got into me then and decided to skip the next three things in my rotation and go straight to The Tower at Stony Wood.
I worked on this until I had finished the row. Getting very close to the end on this one! I had considered just keeping on until it was finished, but then I got some new 48" scroll rods and the need to use them was overpowering.
So I put some velcro on Hannah Lynn Montage and attached it to the scroll rods with mixed success. It was good not to have all that excess fabric to deal with and it was also nice to have enough room for the chart, but it was nigh impossible to tighten the fabric. It's just too hard to attach 46" inches on top and bottom evenly (at least for me). I really wish the lokscrolls came in 48".
And then Heaven and Earth Designs had a 50% off sale and I broke down and purchased Darkling (no website for her yet) and wasted no time starting it.
I had thought to maybe continue with it until she was done, but now I'm not so sure. I have a new plan for a rotation percolating in my brain and so may have to give into that. And, of course, it is also unlikely that I will be able to hold out against Dream Dance Fear.