It’s been said that allegedly if you’ve seen over 85 movies you have no life. Mark the ones you’ve seen. There are 239 films on this list. Copy this list, go to your own blog, paste it in and put x’s by the ones that you have seen. Add them up, change the header adding your number, and post it.
I'm already aware I have no life, however 85 movies averages to about 2 a year for me since I'm no spring chicken. I probably average close to 85 a month, though.
Total: 163 movies out of 239.
I wonder who came up with that list? My all time favorite movie isn't on it. No classics and few obscure titles and some notable exclusions.
Anyway, I worked on this for three days and got almost half done!
Labels: Quaker Garden

Isn't it gorgeous? Before I knew what was happening, I was at a screen saying "Thanks for your order". And now I'm in possession of 2 pdf files with 6 charts each. A terrible indulgence, but... isn't it gorgeous? Now to decide on fabric and threads. I might have to go with the NPI on this, because those COLORS! Aren't they GORGEOUS?!!!!
(I think I need a 12-step group...)
Labels: Days of Advent Sampler
Labels: Rotational Theory

And since I really don't like stitching with more than one thread, I opted for the 40 count. I'm a bit concerned about being able to see well enough to be able to do it, but I know if I can it will look stunning!
Labels: Cirques des Cercles
I think I'll stick with the Fraises du Bois for my thread, but I'm not happy with either fabric. The colors are okay, but the count is just wrong. I also really need to remember that I quite hate Cashel linen. So I'm on a mission to find another fabric, although I'm not sure whether I want to go with a green or a darkish color. Blah. I hate it when a plan doesn't come together.
Labels: Cirques des Cercles
Click here for details.
Labels: Song of the Dead
I put this away over a week ago. The pattern is by Nostalgic Needle. I am using the recommended fabric (32 count cream Belfast linen) and threads (AVAS) and am tent stitching with one strand of silk over one fabric thread. The instructions say to stitch the outline in running stitch first, but I found that too difficult, so I'm doing the tent stitching and then backstitching the outline.
The colors are lovely, but I'm afraid I got bored with it pretty quickly.
I've been working on Song for the Dead ever since I put the Tree away. I'm about 80 columns away from finishing the next 30 row swath and I'll try to post when I've finished that. I still haven't set up another iteration for my rotation. I'm considering alternating between Cirque des Cercles and Song for the Dead for awhile. Sometimes that gigantic WIP list starts to get to me and then when I think about all the other things I want to start... !!!
I was talking to a co-worker today who told me she has at least 60 pairs of shoes. I almost fell out of my chair! She went on to tell me how she has a pink pair that only goes with one dress, and a green pair that goes with a certain outfit, and how she bought them all on sale... I was thinking that she was crazy and then I realized I do exactly the same thing - but with cross stitch stash. And, well, I won't tell you how crazy she thinks I am. You can probably guess. Particularly when you add in the fact that my co-workers were wondering what would someone buy who had 800 million dollars and I said "cross stitch".
Labels: Tree of Life with Dragon
Then I discovered Silk Weavers was having a sale on their Lugana Reflections, so I ordered a fat half of 25 count Sky for HAEDs Hope (the Selena Fenech one). Today I checked my e-mail and discovered that my order from Stitching Bits and Bobs New Year’s sale has shipped! Which means Cirque des Cercles will soon be in my hot little hands (along with a bunch of lovely threads to toss for Rhapsody in Blue)! Since I want to start this right away, I decided to go ahead and order the floss. And discovered that Wyndham is also having a sale. So I ordered the ten skeins of Fraises du Bois Waterlilies I need – hopefully I get at least one! I also ordered Anatolia by Ink Circles, Dutch Sampler by New Zealand Samplers, and the 2006 Christmas ornament issue of Just Cross Stitch (not on sale, but I had to have it after seeing the cutest ornament in someone’s blog over the weekend).
I might as well accept it, resistance is futile. Expect some more new starts from me in the near future.